Our Mission
Our mission is to build and use power through community organizing, leadership development, and advocacy campaigns with Waterbury students and youth to fight for racial equity and social justice in our schools and community.
We believe the most effective way to triumph over systemic forms of oppression is to have an educational system that serves the historically underserved and underrepresented.
We advocate for an educational system that is positioned to provide culturally competent school professionals and curriculum, human services, and disciplinary policies, which combat: generational poverty, achievement gaps, implicit and explicit biases towards race, ethnicity and gender.
Did You Know?
of all black male students were suspended in Waterbury compared to only 7.2% of white males
3.5 : 1
the rate that black male Waterbury students were suspended compares to white counterparts
7.5 : 1
the rate that hispanic Waterbury students have been arrested compared to their white counterparts
students who are suspended are three times more likely to end up in Juvenile Justice Systems
What We Do
We work with three groups: parents and students, school professionals, and legislators. Our goal is to be a community partner that closes the conceptual gaps between problems and solutions.

We work independently to highlight research on current educational dilemmas such as the achievement gap, the school to prison pipeline, and the economic welfare of families in our community
We participate in and host community events that heighten awareness of the educational dilemmas in our community
We target laws and policies, policy makers, and legislators that influence the educational experience
What We're Working On

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RACCE Inc is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.
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